How to deliver a successful presentation.
Why your preparation needs to go beyond just the content.
If you have an impending presentation to give, you want it to be not only good, but impressive. You want people to get the message loud and clear, and see you as a leader in your field. You’ve spent many hours drafting, editing and rereading the content of your presentation and if you are using visuals, you’ve laid it out nicely in PowerPoint or Prezi, and found some cool images to give impact to the words.
All ready to go?
Absolutely not!
Prepare yourself
If you really want to impress with your next presentation and feel more comfortable in front of your audience, you have more work to do, alas. Yet, how many people give this any thought or preparation? Have you thought about how to deliver your message; how to make an impact with your body language, voice and appearance? Have you rehearsed and refined the delivery? Whether you are delivering to your team or at a conference or board meeting, the preparation needs the same elements to help you shine.
It’s crucial that you:
Remember, this is live! There is no take 2 or 3! No edit or remix in the studio. Just like our corporate actors when we get in front of clients, this is your opening night, the time when you get to put aside the script, and rely on your preparation to help you perform your material with the best possible personal impact. Once you are prepared, and the nerves have turned into enthusiasm, you can relax and enjoy yourself and audience will be able to do the same.
Skills Development Training
Work with a coach, trainer or even a trusted work colleague or mentor, someone who will give you honest feedback about your personal impact. Make sure you rehearse your presentation at least 3 times, so you give your best performance, and work out any unexpected kinks before you get into performance mode.
Get our Guide
Our white paper will give you some hints and tips to help take your presentation to the next level.
Take a look at Peers and Players free white paper on public speaking. It gives a detailed account of why you’ve completed less than half of your presentation’s preparation. You see, so far you have focused on what you are going to deliver and haven’t given any thought or preparation to how you are going to deliver it. It is now well known and documented how powerful non-verbal skills: body language and vocal control are, if used as conscious communication tools.
Finally, if you are one of the many people that suffer from Glossophobia (fear of public speaking) this is a must read. The white paper will give you insights to help you shift your focus in a way that will allow you to overcome your fears and empower you to present with confidence and impact.